Nous remercions notre commanditaire de la formation, le Programme de motivation des donateurs, pour le soutien qu’il apporte depuis quinze ans à notre programme de formation.

L’horaire est disponible en anglais seulement.


7:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Gift Planning Fundamentals


Are you new to gift planning and want to learn the basics? Are you an executive director or board member who is interested in starting a gift planning program at your charity but need to learn more before ‘jumping in’? Or, perhaps you want to add some gift planning ‘tools and techniques’ to support your donors in expanding and enhancing their philanthropy. If so, this course is exactly what you need.

5:00 PM - 5:45 PM

SPONSORED SESSION: Giving with permanent life insurance IRL (in real life)

"Be a part of this session featuring life insurance experts as they share compelling stories about how Canada Life My Par GiftTM policies are helping charities today and for the long-term. They will also cover strategies for initiating planned giving conversations with donors using permanent life insurance. Don’t miss out on what promises to be an engaging and interactive experience!"

SPONSOR: Canada Life

Vikram Malik Vikram Malik Vice President, Par Pricing & Special Initiatives, Insurance Solutions, Canada Life
Evan Connell Evan Connell Director, Insurance Sales Strategies, Canada Life


8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Learning from Indigenous Wisdom: Redistributing Wealth and Philanthropy in Canada

The philanthropic sector in Canada has much to learn from the enduring wisdom and practices of Indigenous peoples who have lived on these lands for generations. In this keynote presentation, we will explore the concept of redistributing wealth through traditional practices such as potlatch ceremonies and other examples from Indigenous communities. By delving into these time-honoured traditions, we can uncover valuable insights that can inform and transform the philanthropic landscape in Canada.

SPONSOR: Aquaduct Foundation

Michelle Okere Michelle Okere Executive Director, Indigenous Prosperity Foundation
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

1.1. DEEP DIVE: From Challenges to Collaboration – Generosity Planning & Donor Advised Funds

TOPIC STREAM: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations
LEVEL: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

This unique panel will bring together the charity, wealth management, advisor and donor advised fund provider perspective like never before. We will uncover the challenges that have arisen over the years as this financial charitable giving product has gained popularity amongst Canadian donors. This session will use a hybrid presentation and workshop approach to examine how collaboration and communication can aid in developing best practices and identify how advisors and charities can embrace DAFs to benefit their organizations and help steward relationships. There will be a special booklet help facilitate this conversation and capture the key takeaways.

SPONSOR: BC Children's Hospital Foundation

Serena Hak Serena Hak Head of Philanthropic Advisory Services, Assante Private Client
Joely Elkins Joely Elkins Director, Granting & Philanthropy, Benefaction Foundation
Rich Widdifield Rich Widdifield Planned Giving Consultant, The Donor Motivation Program©
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

1.2. The Power of "Why" in Planned Giving and Beyond

TOPIC STREAM: Marketing & Communications / Marketing et communications, Building Relationships / Établissement de relations, Know your Charity / Connaissance de son propre organisme de bienfaisance
LEVEL: General / Général, Introductory / Introduction

When organizations shift their planned giving messaging from focussing on “how-to” to focussing on “why” – they dramatically improve their results. But there are even more benefits to embracing the power of “why”. In this bilingual session, you’ll discover how communicating the core motivations behind your organization's mission and vision can inspire deeper donor connections, foster long-term commitment, and engage stakeholders authentically. And, through practical examples and interactive discussions, we’ll explore how a purpose-driven focus can foster employee engagement, enhance donor loyalty, and build a culture of philanthropy. Come learn about this powerful approach — for your planned giving program and beyond.

SPONSOR: Community Foundations of Alberta

Aimée Lindenberger Aimée Lindenberger Senior Consultant, Global Philanthropic
Claude Lestage Claude Lestage Senior Consultant, Global Philanthropic Canada
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

1.3. Women’s Leadership Journeys: Success in the face of organizational design, diversity, and imposed imposter syndrome

TOPIC STREAM: Not About Gift Planning / Pas sur la planification des dons
LEVEL: Intermediate / Intermédiaire, Advanced / Avancé, General / Général

Based on 12 women's stories, this presentation highlights four of the lived experiences of women's journey to leadership. Tied to Meghan Rehbeins's dissertation on leadership journey challenges, participants will hear first hand life experiences with takeaways for how they can excel in their own leadership journeys.

Sherry Schaefer Sherry Schaefer Director, Emerging Leaders, Chavender
Jenny Mitchell Jenny Mitchell CEO
Mojdeh Cox Mojdeh Cox CEO, Cox & Co.
Heather Bach Heather Bach Executive Director, Medicine Hat Healthcare Foundation
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

1.4. Reciprocal Allyship: Bridging the Gap to Belonging

TOPIC STREAM: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations
LEVEL: General / Général

Candace Wasacase-Lafferty and Kathy Arney have been collaborating for a number of years around incorporating Indigenous ways of knowing into fundraising practices, and the importance of Indigenous Women Leadership. This session will explore the notion of Reciprocal Allyship. When reciprocity is not present, our nervous system subconsciously can view this as a lack of safety (Dr. Stephen Borges). This session will explore how Indigenous and non-Indigenous allies can support each other in the journey to reciprocity.

Candace Wasacase-Lafferty Candace Wasacase-Lafferty Indigenous Relations Coach/Consultant
Kathy Arney Kathy Arney Founder and Chief Encouragement Officer, KEA Canada
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

1.5. Mapping it out and hitting the road with your legacy program

TOPIC STREAM: Marketing & Communications / Marketing et communications, Know your Charity / Connaissance de son propre organisme de bienfaisance
LEVEL: Introductory / Introduction

It’s time to hit the road! With so many giving vehicles, marketing tools, and audiences to consider reaching the ultimate destination, it can be challenging to get started. In this session, we’ll look at our past trips to help plan what you need in your suitcase before you hit the road. Then we’ll build a map of routes, highlighting differences for small cars vs. sedans, solo drivers, or those with a passenger. You’ll leave the session with a plan and road map you can implement right away to get your legacy program out of the garage and enroute!

SPONSORS: BC Children's Hospital Foundation | Community Foundations of Alberta

Laura Svajlenko Laura Svajlenko Planned Giving Specialist, Fund Development, YMCA of Northern Alberta Foundation
Christy Soholt Christy Soholt Director, Legacy & Strategic Philanthropy, Alberta Cancer Foundation
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

1.6. How to talk to people about wealth in ways that inspire major gifts of assets: The science and the sentences

TOPIC STREAM: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations
LEVEL: General / Général

Wealth is not held in cash; it’s held in other assets like stocks, bonds, real estate, and IRAs. Research shows that shifting donors to giving from their wealth (assets), rather than just from their cash (disposable income) can lead to transformational donations. But how can we actually make this happen? Talking about someone else’s wealth can be scary! In this presentation, Professor James walks through the step-by-step process that makes these conversations simple, easy, and stress free. You don’t need to be a gift planning expert to inspire major gifts of assets. You just need to attend this presentation!

Russell James, J.D., Ph.D., CFP® Russell James, J.D., Ph.D., CFP® Professor, Department of Personal Financial Planning, Texas Tech University
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

2.1. DEEP DIVE: From Challenges to Collaboration – Generosity Planning & Donor Advised Funds

TOPIC STREAM: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations
LEVEL: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

This unique panel will bring together the charity, wealth management, advisor and donor advised fund provider perspective like never before. We will uncover the challenges that have arisen over the years as this financial charitable giving product has gained popularity amongst Canadian donors. This session will use a hybrid presentation and workshop approach to examine how collaboration and communication can aid in developing best practices and identify how advisors and charities can embrace DAFs to benefit their organizations and help steward relationships. There will be a special booklet help facilitate this conversation and capture the key takeaways.

SPONSOR: BC Children's Hospital Foundation

Serena Hak Serena Hak Head of Philanthropic Advisory Services, Assante Private Client
Joely Elkins Joely Elkins Director, Granting & Philanthropy, Benefaction Foundation
Rich Widdifield Rich Widdifield Planned Giving Consultant, The Donor Motivation Program©
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

2.2. Gift Planning 101

TOPIC STREAM: Gift Planning Vehicles / Véhicules de planification de dons
LEVEL: Introductory / Introduction

New to the field? Curious how gift planning can amplify your overall fundraising results? What IS “Gift Planning”, anyway, and how does it work? You are welcome here and we want to ensure you are prepared with an understanding of key concepts and terminology to make the most of other sessions at the conference. Leave with an orientation to the basics, along with practical ideas and resources.

SPONSOR: Canada Life

Jill Nelson Jill Nelson Senior Consultant, Global Philanthropic Canada
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

2.3. Ask And You Shall Receive: How To Use Surveys to Activate Your Legacy Marketing

TOPIC STREAM: Marketing & Communications / Marketing et communications
LEVEL: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

Donor surveying is a key component of many legacy programs. But, how do you do it? How do you use them to connect with donor values, educate on planned giving, and move the needle on a person’s legacy journey? How do you write survey questions that elicit emotional responses, build surveys that get completed – and what do you do with the data? This practical session will help you create values-driven, persuasive powerhouses that don’t just uncover existing gifts in wills – they create new ones. We’ll talk copywriting (with samples!), explore tools, and discuss the moves management that underlies it all.

Charlotte Field Charlotte Field Partner & Head of Client Delivery, Good Works
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

2.4. Bad Gifts, Difficult Endowments: A Trust and Estate Planner’s Perspective on How to Fix Them – and How to Avoid New Ones

TOPIC STREAM: Legal Issues & Ethics/ Questions juridiques & Éthique et jugement
LEVEL: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

Good intentions lead to bad outcomes when donors make poorly-drafted gifts in their wills or set up charitable trusts that become cumbersome to administer. The time and money that charities spend to fix or deal with these gifts and trusts can outweigh the gifts’ benefits themselves. Two leading trust lawyers will share how charities can avoid being saddled with bad gifts and difficult trusts, and how they can fix existing ones. Participants will learn the most common planning/drafting mistakes, the steps to fix a bad gift or change charitable trust terms, and the best practices that charities can adopt today.

Elena Hoffstein Elena Hoffstein Senior Counsel, Miller Thomson LLP
Stephen Hsia Stephen Hsia Partner, Miller Thomson LLP
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

2.5. It Finally Fits! How a Purpose-Built Database Solution Helps Grow Gift Planning

TOPIC STREAM: Know your Charity / Connaissance de son propre organisme de bienfaisance
LEVEL: Intermediate / Intermédiaire, General / Général

What is the bridge between data and legacy giving? Aside from giving behaviour, how do you identify, record and use important data elements within your legacy program? In this session, we’ll dive into the information specific to our gift planning program, explain how we’ve started collecting pullable details to help track our legacy leads and segment our communications, and look at some learnings along the way of what has proven useful and what challenges we’ve faced. Finally, we’ll showcase how we’ve purpose-built our new DRM to help our legacy program segment, tailor, and flourish.

SPONSOR: Community Foundations of Alberta

Christy Soholt Christy Soholt Director, Legacy & Strategic Philanthropy, Alberta Cancer Foundation
Leslie Stuart Leslie Stuart Director, Philanthropy Data & Systems, Alberta Cancer Foundation
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

2.6. Navigating Values-Based Management in the Non-Profit Sector: Embracing the Next Generation Workforce

TOPIC STREAM: Not About Gift Planning / Pas sur la planification des dons
LEVEL: General / Général

Join us in charting the future of non-profit leadership, where the values of the next generation propel organizations toward a new vision of impact and success.

Laura Champion Laura Champion Senior Director, Fund Development, Lumenus Foundation
Megan Spurrell Megan Spurrell Specialist, Campaign Fundraising, Diabetes Canada
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Table talks

Join us in the main ballroom for an opportunity to mix and mingle while discussing themes presented throughout the ballroom.

SPONSOR: Myriad Canada

2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

3.1. Building the Bridge to Younger Generations - Important Conversations in Legacy Now

Topic Stream: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations
Level: General / Général, Advanced / Avancé

Inspiring the next generation of giving as the Great Wealth Transfer is revving up will be key to your charities long-term success. Where do you start to bridge between your current programs and audiences and the next generation of legacy donors? Join this dynamic conversation and look at why the next generation is so open to legacy conversations, what you need to do to motivate and inspire them, why key conversations with advisors can truly open doors and how you can help your teams harness the opportunities. Grow revenue and lifetime value by investing in your younger donor groups now!

Adam Malcolm Adam Malcolm Consultant, IG Wealth Management
Kimberley Blease Kimberley Blease EVP, Strategic Solutions & Consultancy, Blakely Fundraising
Julie Brown Julie Brown Director of Major Gifts, The WoodGreen Foundation
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

3.2. Empowering Leadership: Integrating Three Key Concepts for Universal Success

Topic Stream: Not About Gift Planning / Pas sur la planification des dons
Level: General / Général

This presentation explores three key frameworks that transform leadership and enhance team dynamics: Michael Timms' principles of personal and relational accountability, Brene Brown's "Dare to Lead" concepts of vulnerability and curiosity, and the "You Matter" ethos focusing on kindness and mutual respect. By adopting these models, leaders can foster accountability and job satisfaction within their teams. Practical applications include annual strategy reviews, weekly check-ins, and continuous personal growth. Attendees will learn actionable strategies to shift from responsibility to accountability, cultivating a more engaged and effective workforce.

Mandy Parker Mandy Parker VP Philanthropy & Communications, Broadmead Care Society
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

3.3. Launching the latest Canada-wide research on Wills, Estates & Charitable Giving

Topic Stream: Marketing & Communications / Marketing et communications
Level: General / Général

Will Power and the CAGP Foundation have just completed the latest study on estate planning and legacy giving in Canada, and we’re excited to reveal the results at the CAGP annual conference!

Curious about how Canadians are writing their Wills these days? Where they’re going for estate planning advice? Who’s interested or planning a charitable gift in their Will - what motivates them and what’s holding them back? And how about RRSPs or Life Insurance as a method for giving?

Join us for insights on all of this, plus fresh perspectives from Millennials as well as Asian communities, Black communities, Indigenous peoples and other racialized groups.

Laurie Fox Laurie Fox Campaign Director, Will Power, CAGP
Peggy Killeen Peggy Killeen Development Consultant
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

3.4. Sector Priorities for Engaging Government: Improving Data, Granting to Non-Qualified Donees, and a Secretariat for the Charitable Sector

Topic Stream: Legal Issues & Ethics/ Questions juridiques & Éthique et jugement, Gift Planning Vehicles / Véhicules de planification de dons
Level: Intermediate / Intermédiaire, Advanced / Avancé

CAGP’s Government Relations Committee is comprised of charity representatives, advisors, and consultants who volunteer their time to help CAGP identify issues and develop strategies for engaging government on key issues that affect registered charities and their donors. Please join members of our Committee for a discussion of three key issues in respect of which sector actors are actively engaging the Federal government: improving sector data, granting to non-qualified donees, and the sector’s desire to create a permanent “home in government” or “Secretariat” for the sector within the Federal government. The Committee will specifically address the ways in which these issues could impact charitable gift planning in Canada. Any government relations-related “hot topics” that arise from the 2025 Federal Budget may also be addressed.

SPONSOR: Canada Life

Nicole D'Aoust Nicole D'Aoust Partner, Miller Thomson LLP
Terrance Carter Terrance Carter Managing Partner, Carters Professional Corporation
Jo-Anne Ryan Jo-Anne Ryan Vice President, Philanthropic Advisory Services, TD Wealth
Michael Blatchford Michael Blatchford Partner, Miller Thomson LLP
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

3.5. Integrating Lifetime and Estate Giving

Topic Stream: Gift Planning Vehicles / Véhicules de planification de dons
Level: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

Too often as gift planners we focus on individual donations that may be transactional in nature. The highest form of strategic charitable gift planning combines lifetime and estate planning. This session with a lawyer and a gift planner, will explore different ways of structuring these gifts and engaging donors for the long term.

SPONSOR: Canada Life

Patricia Schmeichel Patricia Schmeichel Lead, Legacy and Development, Aqueduct Foundation
Stephanie Tsui Stephanie Tsui Estate and Trust Consultant, Scotiatrust
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

3.6. Equity as a Path to Prosperity

Topic Stream: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations
Level: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

This session will focus on the power of inclusivity and how to have conversations in your own organization and with donors that lead to practical and actionable steps to create the equitable future we all want to see in philanthropy.

Huda Al-Saedy Huda Al-Saedy Director of Philanthropy, Ecojustice Canada Society
Chantelle Ohrling Chantelle Ohrling Philanthropy Officer, Ecojustice Canada Society
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

4.1. Collaboration as the Foundation for a Successful Estate Administration

Topic Stream: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations
Level: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

Collaboration is the best way to achieve a successful and satisfying estate administration. Think of how much easier it would be if you understood the role and responsibility of the lawyer and accountant to help navigate an estate administration when you are a beneficiary. Consider the possibilities of a collaborative approach.

Patricia Ward Patricia Ward Senior Manager Estate Administration, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
Malkit Atwal Malkit Atwal Partner, Field Law
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

4.2. Building a More Personal Giving Plan

Topic Stream: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations, Know your Charity / Connaissance de son propre organisme de bienfaisance, Marketing & Communications / Marketing et communications
Level: Introductory / Introduction

How can we help encourage Canadians to develop a strategic approach to giving? Shakespeare wrote “what’s past is prologue”, so perhaps the answer lies in each individual’s past. Using my personal experience, I’ll share a “giving map” that documents all of the charities that have had a profound influence on my personal life, and show how that mapping exercise is critical to creating a strategic giving plan. As well, we will discuss how charities themselves can use these same ideas to build stronger relationships with their current, past, and future donors. Workshop participants will explore their own personal connection with charities to see how this exercise can be a powerful motivator for change.

SPONSOR: Community Foundations of Alberta

Craig Swistun Craig Swistun Portfolio Manager, Lexicon Financial Group / Raymond James Investment Counsel
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

4.3. Strings Attached? There is a time and place for everything. Directions and Donations

Topic Stream: Legal Issues & Ethics/ Questions juridiques & Éthique et jugement
Level: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

Gift Planners typically like to avoid donations with strings attached, but besides the practical considerations that come with accepting such gifts there are legal considerations that speak both for, and against, accepting such gifts. Alexandra and Doris will discuss acceptable gift conditions, how they may be constructed and the consequences to both the charity and the donor when they arise. This will involve discussions of wills, and estate litigation, operating internationally and CRA concerns and is suitable for all levels of gift planners.

Doris Bonora Doris Bonora Lawyer, KPMG Law LLP
Adam Aptowitzer Adam Aptowitzer Partner and National Leader, Charitable and Not-For-Profit Law, KPMG Law LLP
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

4.4. Shifting the narrative: Indigenous-led approaches to donor communications

Topic Stream: Marketing & Communications / Marketing et communications
Level: Introductory / Introduction

Fund Development strategies require toolkits that reflect organizational values, mission and vision. However, common concepts in donor communications and stewardship can contribute to transactional relationships and power imbalances. How can we thoughtfully integrate Indigenous-led values to decolonize the work and center relationships for impactful donor communications that propel our organizations forward? In this session you will hear from team members of First Peoples’ Cultural Foundation on how they’ve created a pathway for meaningful engagement through values-led communications resulting in a growing donor ecosystem.

Emily Cabrera Emily Cabrera Director, Strategic Partnerships & Communications, First Peoples' Cultural Foundation
Alix Goetzinger Alix Goetzinger Lead - Storytelling & Communications, First Peoples' Cultural Foundation
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

4.5. Quantifying Lifetime Donation Capacity

Topic Stream: Gift Planning Vehicles / Véhicules de planification de dons
Level: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

With Canadians living longer, many people are having trouble finding comfort in their retirement, legacy and philanthropy plans. This issue significantly affects charitable giving, as donors may not have a clear picture of their donation capacity, now or in the future. Using recent statistics around longevity, care costs, and donation strategies, we believe that donors can become confident in their donation capacity through rigorous analysis. I hope to give planned gift professionals some ideas, tools and questions to help their donors consider what they could potential give now and through an estate.

SPONSOR: Canada Life

Patrick Smith, CPA, CA, TEP, CIM Patrick Smith, CPA, CA, TEP, CIM Wealth Advisor
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

4.6. New Donors = New DAFs. Welcome to DAF 2.0 Where New DAF Holders Think and Do Philanthropy Differently

Topic Stream: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations, Gift Planning Vehicles / Véhicules de planification de dons
Level: General / Général

While Donor Advised Funds continue to be the fastest growing charitable giving vehicle in Canada, the donor demographic is changing and “New” donors are challenging the status quo, which has implications for all gift planning professionals. Understanding donor motivations enhances relationships, solicitation and stewardship practices. This session will examine some of the emerging trends in DAFs with examples of fund holders who are thinking differently about their role in philanthropy and how they can have a greater impact.

SPONSOR: Canada Life

Eric Saarvala Eric Saarvala Executive Director, Raymond James Canada Foundation
Arundel Gibson Arundel Gibson Client Consultant, Cidel Asset Management


7:00 AM - 7:45 AM

Reducing the After-Tax Cost of Donations in Light of Current Tax Legislative Uncertainty

Join Danny Mah, based in Alberta, for an exclusive session dedicated to the strategic application of flow-through shares within Canada’s distinct tax landscape. He will explore how to leverage PearTree’s innovative flow-through share donation platform — a powerful tool for fundraisers and gift planners seeking to empower donors to accelerate their philanthropic impact. Through this platform, donors can achieve transformational giving to the causes they value most, while simultaneously contributing to job creation in remote and rural Canadian communities. Amid an evolving tax legislative environment, Danny will address PearTree’s approach to navigating these complexities and potential changes, equipping participants with the knowledge needed to remain informed and proactive. This session is an essential opportunity for professionals in philanthropy to refine their expertise and enhance their fundraising capabilities.

Sponsor: PearTree Canada

Danny Mah Danny Mah Dealing Representative & Business Development, PearTree Canada
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Shifting the culture of giving: Innovations from the Forward Global community

Historically, when wealth-holders have used their wealth for public good, it was often through charity. Successive movements have advocated more effective approaches, including strategic philanthropy, trust-based philanthropy, and the movement for wealth-holders to take a more integrated approach to impact, as supported by Forward Global. During our hour together, we will unpack practical examples of these best practices as illustrated by Forward Global members.

SPONSOR: KMPG Family Office

Lisa Wolverton Lisa Wolverton President, Canada, Forward Global
Juliana Sprott Juliana Sprott Chief Giving Officer, The Sprott Foundation
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

5.1. DEEP DIVE: Just Add Digital: Training on online tools for planned giving fundraisers

TOPIC STREAM: Marketing & Communications / Marketing et communications
LEVEL: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

You know legacy. You’re great at those one-on-one conversations, and you’ve even dipped your toe into mass marketing. But when someone talks about how you can use digital – things like email or social ads or SEO – to meet your goals, you freeze. Digital seems pretty daunting. This is a practical, hands-on workshop that will build your digital skill set. We’ll focus on giving you the tools (think how-tos like process and frameworks) to construct your own digital legacy toolbox. You’ll learn how to use your website, email, and Meta ads (Facebook primarily) to generate and cultivate a legacy audience. Then, you’ll actually get a chance to test out some of these new digital skills. This is a working workshop and some advance prep will be required.

SPONSOR: BC Children's Hospital Foundation

Holly Wagg Holly Wagg Partner and CEO, Good Works
Melanie Scholz Melanie Scholz Director Client Experience, Good Works
Marwa El Morsi Marwa El Morsi Digital Fundraiser, Good Works
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

5.2. Bridging the Gap: Collaborative Strategies for Fundraisers and Wealth Managers

TOPIC STREAM: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations
LEVEL: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

Join us to explore how fundraisers and wealth managers can collaborate to educate clients and boost charitable donations. April and Dan will share how the partnership between their organizations can lead to more informed donors who are confident in their giving decisions, resulting in increased contributions over their lifetimes and at the time of death. Discover practical techniques for integrating fundraising into financial planning using tax-efficient methods and personalized legacy planning. This session offers actionable insights to strengthen partnerships between wealth managers and fundraisers, ultimately driving greater support for the charitable sector and amplifying clients' philanthropic impact.

April Grindheim April Grindheim Major Gift & Planned Giving Officer, Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories
Dan Hague Dan Hague Executive Financial Consultant, IG Private Wealth Management
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

5.3. Creating a Lasting and Inspiring Donor Journey - Case studies

TOPIC STREAM: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations
LEVEL: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

The University of Ottawa Planned Giving Team will be presenting the inspiring journey they established with and for three (3) legacy donors illustrating the creation and implementation of personalized strategic gift planning, engagement, and stewardship. They will also introduce their newly rebranded Legacy Society. Walk away with tools and inspiration to take your donor engagement and recognition strategies to the next level, ensuring every legacy donor’s story leaves a lasting impact.

Sylvain Ladouceur Sylvain Ladouceur Manager, Planned Giving, University of Ottawa
Claude Drouin Claude Drouin Manager, Planned Giving, University of Ottawa
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

5.4. Best Practices in Donor Advised Funds

TOPIC STREAM: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations, Gift Planning Vehicles / Véhicules de planification de dons
LEVEL: General / Général

CAGP's DAF Working Group is developing standards of practice for foundations with donor advised funds with a view of improving relationships with charitable organizations. Nicole and Malcolm, co-chairs of the Working Group, will be sharing the discussion about best practices through a panel and dialogue format.

SPONSOR: Canada Life

Nicola Elkins Nicola Elkins Founder and CEO, Benefaction Foundation
Malcolm Burrows Malcolm Burrows Benefaction Foundation, Aqueduct Foundation
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

5.5. Bridging Finance and Fundraising toward Sustainability

TOPIC STREAM: Not About Gift Planning / Pas sur la planification des dons
LEVEL: General / Général

Join Gordon Holley and Kathy Arney to explore how financial sustainability and fundraising strength work together to enable social purpose organizations to maximize their impact. Learn the challenges organizations face, how finance and fundraising teams can collaborate, and key finance and fundraising strategies for building more sustainable and impactful organizations.

Kathy Arney Kathy Arney Founder and Chief Encouragement Officer, KEA Canada
Gordon Holley Gordon Holley Co-founder, President & CEO, Humanity Financial Management
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

5.6. 12 Ways To Be More Inclusive... and More!

TOPIC STREAM: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations, Not About Gift Planning / Pas sur la planification des dons
LEVEL: General / Général

Looking for more ways to be more inclusive and continue the conversation? Join me for a deeper discussion on 12 ways to be more inclusive (and more) in your life and work. We will discuss how to use these basic tools to build a more inclusive workplace and society. Bring your questions, concerns and let’s discuss why we need to be more inclusive. Bring your ideas and successes and tell us how your workplace has championed inclusion. Add to the list and let’s make philanthropy a better industry to work in.

Jaya Mootoo Jaya Mootoo Director, Fundholder and Community Engagement - Oakville Community Foundation
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

6.1. DEEP DIVE: Just Add Digital: Training on online tools for planned giving fundraisers

TOPIC STREAM: Marketing & Communications / Marketing et communications
LEVEL: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

You know legacy. You’re great at those one-on-one conversations, and you’ve even dipped your toe into mass marketing. But when someone talks about how you can use digital – things like email or social ads or SEO – to meet your goals, you freeze. Digital seems pretty daunting. This is a practical, hands-on workshop that will build your digital skill set. We’ll focus on giving you the tools (think how-tos like process and frameworks) to construct your own digital legacy toolbox. You’ll learn how to use your website, email, and Meta ads (Facebook primarily) to generate and cultivate a legacy audience. Then, you’ll actually get a chance to test out some of these new digital skills. This is a working workshop and some advance prep will be required.

SPONSOR: BC Children's Hospital Foundation

Holly Wagg Holly Wagg Partner and CEO, Good Works
Melanie Scholz Melanie Scholz Director Client Experience, Good Works
Marwa El Morsi Marwa El Morsi Digital Fundraiser, Good Works
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

6.2. The End Game - How Acceptance of Death Enhances Life

TOPIC STREAM: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations, Not About Gift Planning / Pas sur la planification des dons
LEVEL: General / Général

How do you feel when the topic of death arises? Are you open to the conversation or do you shut down? This session will give attendees an opportunity to explore their relationship with death and build a game plan for when they are faced with mortality (their own or some one else's).

Liz Finney Liz Finney Fund Development Director, Bonny Lea Farm
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

6.3. Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth -- when to say "no" to charitable gifts

TOPIC STREAM: Legal Issues & Ethics/ Questions juridiques & Éthique et jugement
LEVEL: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

Declining charitable gifts may seem antithetical to the role of gift planners. There are, however, a number ‎‎of reasons why charities may wish to decline proposed gifts – and this is okay! Charities need not ‎‎accept gifts just because they are offered, and this is particularly the case as conversations around gift ‎‎planning move away from historical “donor-centric” trends. Among other things, charitable gifts must be ‎consistent with the charity's ‎purposes and compliant with regulatory ‎rules. This session will explore ‎potential pitfalls with proposed charitable gifts, and participants will learn how to identify risks, assess ‎whether a ‎charity wishes to accept the gift, and work with donors to alter the terms of potential gifts ‎to ‎manage identified risks – or else decline the gift altogether.‎

Kate Bake-Paterson Kate Bake-Paterson Lawyer, DLA Piper (Canada) LLP
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

6.4. Behind the Curtain: Understanding the administration of a public foundation’s Donor Advised Fund program

TOPIC STREAM: Gift Planning Vehicles / Véhicules de planification de dons
LEVEL: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

Have you ever wanted to learn more about Donor Advised Funds (DAF) and the internal processes of a public foundation offering a DAF Program? If so, come and hear from the RBC Royal Trust Philanthropic Services team. The team does all of the administration on behalf of Charitable Gift Funds Canada Foundation and will talk about how Gift Funds Canada works with donors and investment professionals to establish a DAF, and how they manage the investments within DAF accounts and review and fulfill grant recommendations to qualified donees submitted by donors.

SPONSOR: Canada Life

Jennifer Button Jennifer Button Director and Head of Philanthropic Services, RBC Trust
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

6.5. Opportunities and Challenges for Planned Giving Post Budget 2024

TOPIC STREAM: Gift Planning Vehicles / Véhicules de planification de dons
LEVEL: Advanced / Avancé

Higher capital gains inclusion rates and changes to Alternative Minimum Tax rules that were introduced in the 2024 Federal Budget have created new challenges for charities but they have also provided opportunities that should be explored. This session will look at the impact of the new rules on charitable gifts by major donors including gifts of securities, flow through shares and life insurance.

SPONSOR: Canada Life

Tina Tehranchian Tina Tehranchian Planned Giving Consultant, Donor Motivation Program
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

6.6. Starting & Sustaining a Legacy Program in a Small Shop

TOPIC STREAM: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations
LEVEL: General / Général

Legacy programs are not just for organizations with dozens of staff! In this entertaining session, Amber Stewart, Executive Director for the Legion Foundation BC/Yukon, will walk through her journey in establishing a legacy program within her one-person shop. Amber will discuss why she chose to focus on legacy giving and how she implemented the program. She will talk about some of the unique challenges she faced and how she worked (and continues to work) to overcome them.

Amber Stewart Amber Stewart Executive Director, Legion Foundation BC/Yukon
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Moonshot 2040: How Canada Can Become The Most Generous Country in the World

Canadians are often stereotypically thought of as nice, but how can we become known for our generosity? In this 60 minute panel discussion, join a range of leaders in Canada’s charitable sector to explore how we encourage more generosity in our communities to improve outcomes and experiences for all.

SPONSOR: Miller Thomson LLP

Duke Chang Duke Chang President and CEO, CanadaHelps
Marjorie Bencz Marjorie Bencz Executive Director, Edmonton’s Food Bank
Bob Wyatt Bob Wyatt Executive Director, The Muttart Foundation
Alyssa Obrand Alyssa Obrand Managing Director, Foundation for Environmental Stewardship
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Unlocking Generosity: Amplifying Impact with Life Insurance Charitable Giving

An overview of generational giving & amplifying Impact for Charities using the tool of Life Insurance. What are the best ways to accept Life Insurance and receive dividends annually. Is it the best form of blended gifting and building a sustainable giving portfolio.

SPONSOR: Advisory Money Strategies Inc & Serenia Life

Sisi Chakrabarti Sisi Chakrabarti Managing Partner, Advisory Money Strategies Inc
Jay Morrow Jay Morrow AVP, Serenia Life Financial
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Empowering Speakers for Excellence

During this fun session, attendees who are up-and-coming speakers will share their thoughts, ideas, or opinions on philanthropy, gift planning, or things which their organization are doing that they are proud of. Presenters will receive feedback from our panelists on their presentation skills so they can improve in future, and can leverage for conference proposals. Those who attend the session will come with encouragement, support, and an open heart and mind, and will leave learning from the successful ideas shared by the presenters. Together, we will support these upcoming speakers in developing their skills! Feedback Panel: Clare Levy, Communications Director at CAGP Christine Kang, Associate Director, Gift & Estate Planning at SickKids Foundation Eric Saarvala, Executive Director at Raymond James Canada Foundation

Jaya Mootoo Jaya Mootoo Director, Fundholder and Community Engagement - Oakville Community Foundation
Laura Champion Laura Champion Senior Director, Fund Development, Lumenus Foundation
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Unwind with free time or optional activities

For the first time, we’re introducing open free time on Thursday. While the educational content remains top-notch, we’ve built in this pause to let you catch your breath, recharge, or explore new activities.

Whether you choose to relax, join a yoga session, refine your speaking skills, or attend a sponsored session on Life Insurance with AMS Serenia Life, the choice is yours!

Stay tuned for more details on these optional offerings....


7:00 AM - 7:45 AM

Canada’s Evolving Demographic Landscape and the Impacts Immigration is having on Legacy Giving

The demographics of Canada has continued to dramatically shift over the last several years, including this past year. In this session we will dive into the current demographics of Canada and where things stand today; talk about how immigration has impacted the landscape in Rural, Suburban and Urban geographies; and if migration patterns have cooled off since the pandemic. All with the viewpoint of how these macro trends may shift legacy giving and philanthropy moving forward.

SPONSOR: Environics Analytics

Allen Davidov Allen Davidov Senior Vice President, Practice Leader, Environics Analytics
Mitchell Hillier Mitchell Hillier Director, Business Development, Environics Analytics
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Networking Breakfast

Dive into meaningful connections during our Networking Breakfast, sponsored by Raymond James.

This dedicated time is all about building relationships—whether it’s small group meetups or casual chats with peers.

9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

7.1. DEEP DIVE: The Capacity to Gift: Addressing Vulnerability and Capacity Concerns with Aging Donors

TOPIC STREAM: Legal Issues & Ethics/ Questions juridiques & Éthique et jugement
LEVEL: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

With an increasingly aging population comes new concerns regarding elder prospective donors’ legal capacity, autonomy, and financial vulnerability. How can we in the charitable community both promote charitable giving while also ensuring that prospective elder donors are giving willingly and according to their true wishes, both in life and on death? This session will highlight the growing legal and ethical concerns in this area and will offer practical tips and strategies for engaging in planned gifting discussions with elder donors.

SPONSOR: BC Children's Hospital Foundation

Paula Lester Paula Lester AVP Estate and Trust Solutions, Solus Trust Company
Liana Murphy Liana Murphy Manager, Estate Administration & Legal Services, Sick Kids Foundation
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

7.2. Fusion or Confusion: Blending the Major and Legacy Asks

TOPIC STREAM: Gift Planning Vehicles / Véhicules de planification de dons, Building Relationships / Établissement de relations
LEVEL: Intermediate / Intermédiaire, Advanced / Avancé

Successful organizations provide their donors with multiple opportunities to donate through multiple channels and multiple opportunities. Competing solicitations for the Donor’s consideration sometimes get confused and turned down because of a lack or coordination. One of the greatest challenges, and therefore opportunities is examining how to ‘blend’ the major gift and legacy asks. In this session we will examine the concept & history of blended gifts; a definition of blended giving; the current models that exist that combine major and legacy giving; the steps that can be taken to successfully integrate the two approaches; the competing perspectives defining giving; and solicitation role play.

SPONSOR: Canada Life

Guy Mallabone Guy Mallabone President & CEO, Global Philanthropic
Claude Lestage Claude Lestage Senior Consultant, Global Philanthropic Canada
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

7.3. Storytelling is not enough: How data analysis & segmentation can help you find more legacy gifts

TOPIC STREAM: Marketing & Communications / Marketing et communications
LEVEL: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

Spend time with Harvey McKinnon and Sam Laprade to find out why storytelling is not enough! Data is the missing link for so many legacy giving programs that are solely focussed on the storytelling side of the craft. Using data to speak to the right donors with the right message is just one way data can transform your results! If you are looking for ways to take your legacy fundraising to the next level, join us to see how data and storytelling is a match made in heaven. Like peanut butter and chocolate, they're better together!

Harvey McKinnon Harvey McKinnon President, Harvey McKinnon Associates
Sam Laprade Sam Laprade Fundraising Strategist, Gryphon Fundraising
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

7.4. The Complexities of CRTs: Understanding the Rewards and Risks

TOPIC STREAM: Gift Planning Vehicles / Véhicules de planification de dons
LEVEL: Advanced / Avancé

In this presentation, participants will gain an in-depth understanding of Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs). They will explore why financial advisors and or charities might recommend these gift plans, highlighting their potential benefits such as tax savings, income generation, and philanthropic impact. The discussion will also cover the complexities and potential drawbacks, including setup costs and management challenges. To illustrate these points, a detailed case study will be presented, offering insights from both the financial and charitable perspectives, providing a practical example of how CRTs can be strategically or perhaps poorly implemented. This presentation aims to empower individuals to determine whether they should run towards or away from CRTs based on their charities or clients’ financial goals and philanthropic aspirations.

SPONSOR: Canada Life

Amanda Stacey Amanda Stacey Partner, Miller Thomson LLP
Holly Greatrex Holly Greatrex Director, Personal and Planned Giving, Carleton University
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

7.5. Resonate with donors: Unlock the power of Spiritual Intelligence in Relational Fundraising

TOPIC STREAM: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations
LEVEL: General / Général

Explore how Spiritual Intelligence (SQ), defined as the ability to behave with wisdom and compassion while maintaining peace, can revolutionize fundraising by fostering deeper donor relationships. SQ includes 21 faith-friendly, faith-neutral skills that can be learned. This session provides an introduction to a few skills such as understanding our worldview and values, understanding other worldviews, and employing deep listening and resonance to better connect with donors' values, spirit, and desires for legacy. Through interactive discussions and practical exercises, attendees will be challenged to explore their own spiritual intelligence, learn to stay curious, ask better questions, and resonate with donors' purposes.

Kathy MacFarlane Kathy MacFarlane Leadership Consultant and Spiritual Intelligence Advisor, Kathy MacFarlane Leadership Consulting
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

7.6. Navigating Towards Systems Change in Philanthropy

TOPIC STREAM: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations, Not About Gift Planning / Pas sur la planification des dons
LEVEL: General / Général

A practical discussion on the pivotal role Advisors play in driving justice, equity, and inclusion within the philanthropic landscape.

Everyone has their role in the revolution - we must use our strengths and privileges to the advantage of a just transition for the benefit of all living beings.

Join us to move beyond fear and into visibility, empowering yourself to take action on truth and reconciliation as an Advisor, working toward a just transition. Gain insight into the current landscape of Indigenous perspectives within philanthropy, deconstruct colonial frameworks, and leave with actionable steps to enhance your role as an Advisor in wealth management, that shifts systems towards collective wealth.

Chantelle Ohrling Chantelle Ohrling Philanthropy Officer, Ecojustice Canada Society
Lee Burton Lee Burton Director, Philanthropic Services, MakeWay
Tim Fox Tim Fox Vice President, Indigenous Relations & Equity Strategy, Calgary Foundation
Kris Archie Kris Archie CEO, The Circle on Philanthropy
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

8.1. DEEP DIVE: The Capacity to Gift: Addressing Vulnerability and Capacity Concerns with Aging Donors

TOPIC STREAM: Legal Issues & Ethics/ Questions juridiques & Éthique et jugement
LEVEL: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

With an increasingly aging population comes new concerns regarding elder prospective donors’ legal capacity, autonomy, and financial vulnerability. How can we in the charitable community both promote charitable giving while also ensuring that prospective elder donors are giving willingly and according to their true wishes, both in life and on death? This session will highlight the growing legal and ethical concerns in this area and will offer practical tips and strategies for engaging in planned gifting discussions with elder donors.

SPONSOR: BC Children's Hospital Foundation

Paula Lester Paula Lester AVP Estate and Trust Solutions, Solus Trust Company
Liana Murphy Liana Murphy Manager, Estate Administration & Legal Services, Sick Kids Foundation
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

8.2. Age & Legacy Giving: Fueling Legacy Growth through Audience Targeting

TOPIC STREAM: Marketing & Communications / Marketing et communications
LEVEL: General / Général

As donor demographics shift, how does Legacy marketing engage with newer donors to inspire a lifelong, high value connection? See the latest research on legacy engagement and age to uncover hidden opportunities to inspire deeper relationships with donors. There is no greater opportunity to connect people to your work than through targeted, values based legacy marketing. See how the Stephen Lewis Foundation is applying this new thinking to inspire both traditional and emerging audiences with offers and content that support giving based on an equity lens. And incorporate the practical actions presented to change strategy & outcomes for your own organization!

Kimberley Blease Kimberley Blease EVP, Strategic Solutions & Consultancy, Blakely Fundraising
Niambi Martin-John Niambi Martin-John Director of Development, Stephen Lewis Foundation
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

8.3. Help! I don't understand how trusts are used in planning

TOPIC STREAM: Legal Issues & Ethics/ Questions juridiques & Éthique et jugement, Gift Planning Vehicles / Véhicules de planification de dons
LEVEL: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

You hear your client or donor say, "I think I need a trust" or "My planning is all done because I have a trust". This session will look at how trusts are used, their purposes, and how they can be used in charitable giving.

SPONSOR: Canada Life

Jos Herman Jos Herman CPA & Financial Advisor, Resources & Solutions
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

8.4. Strategies to Engage Professional Advisors

TOPIC STREAM: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations
LEVEL: General / Général

Calgary Foundation and Toronto Foundation have developed dynamic strategies to engage Professional Advisors, ensuring we remain top of mind for prospective donors while fostering organic connections. With over 30 years of experience working alongside advisors, we’ve built strong relationships that not only deepen engagement but also drive new opportunities for charitable giving. By combining our deep knowledge of the charitable sector with expertise in tax and life events, we help advisors guide meaningful conversations with their clients—both during their lifetime and through testamentary gifts—ensuring lasting impact for the causes they care about.

In this session, we’ll share practical tips and innovative strategies for working with Professional Advisors, helping them feel confident discussing philanthropy with their clients. Whether our approaches are distinct or complementary, our goal is to inform and inspire the fundraiser in the room to be open to new conversations and relationships beyond their donors.

Leah Johnson-Clark Leah Johnson-Clark Donor Relations Advisor, Calgary Foundation
Riz Nathoo Riz Nathoo Vice President Donor Engagement, Calgary Foundation
Aneil Gokhale Aneil Gokhale Director, Philanthropy, Toronto Foundation
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

8.5. Targeting Impact through Events

TOPIC STREAM: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations
LEVEL: Intermediate / Intermédiaire

How can we shift the structure of legacy giving events so that donors are grounded in impact, rather than tactics? How can we design events that result in deeper conversation and connection within different donor segments? Meaningful philanthropy is grounded in community; event offerings ought to reflect that. This session wil delve into the challenges and successes of hosting tailored events for diverse audiences, including business owners contemplating an exit, 2SLGBTQ+ donors and women.

Hilary Fabrizio Hilary Fabrizio Development Associate, Planned Giving, University of Alberta
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

8.6. Black community philanthropy - Results of a Quebec study

TOPIC STREAM: Building Relationships / Établissement de relations
LEVEL: General / Général

At this workshop, the preliminary results of the study conducted by the Observatoire des communautés noires du Québec and the Foundation of Greater Montreal on the philanthropy of black communities in Quebec would be presented. The study will be completed in the spring of 2025, and aims to : - Highlight the specific nature of the philanthropic gestures made by Black community players, without essentializing them. - Highlight the diversity of philanthropic forms and paths within black communities. - Address the different identities and values of those who give.

Linda Tchombé Linda Tchombé Directrice, développement philanthropique, Fondation du Grand Montréal
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Top 10 legacy fundraising strategies from scientific research: National data & results from the lab

After fifteen years in academic research (plus more than a decade in frontline planned and major gifts fundraising), Professor James brings together scientific results from economics, neuroscience, psychology, demographics, and other disciplines to present the ten most important and effective strategies for increasing fundraising success in planned gifts. Beyond just “war stories,” this presentation gives you a deep understanding of what works – and why – in effective legacy fundraising.

SPONSOR: Abundance Canada

Russell James, J.D., Ph.D., CFP® Russell James, J.D., Ph.D., CFP® Professor, Department of Personal Financial Planning, Texas Tech University