Exhibit Area

Wednesday April 9 and Thursday April 10

The Exhibit Hall hosts vendors showcasing a wide range of new and innovative tools, products and services related to strategic charitable giving. Source the tools you need to succeed and establish business connections. Refreshment breaks, draws, and other entertainment will make the exhibit area a great place to network.

Exhibit Hall Networking Lounge Sponsor: Edmonton Community Foundation

Wednesday Refreshment Sponsor: Carters Professional Corporation

Wednesday Dessert Sponsor: Carters Professional Corporation

Thursday Refreshment Sponsor: CanadaHelps

Friday Breakfast Buffet Sponsor: Dan Hague & Associates Private Wealth Management

Is this your first CAGP Conference “experience”?  We’d like to welcome you with a fun, kick-off and networking event.  Along with other “first-timers”, you’ll meet CAGP Board members and staff, create connections and gather ideas to help you make the most of the next three days.

Benefaction logo

Tuesday April 8, 5:30–6:30p.m.

First-timers Delegates Reception

Welcome Reception

Wednesday April 9, 4:30 – 5:30p.m.

Enjoy a warm Edmonton welcome as you mingle with our exhibitors and sponsors and connect with old and new colleagues and friends. A lovely opportunity to network and socialize with conference delegates!   

To create a more welcoming event for all delegates, this reception will be alcohol-free, with a special mocktail sponsored by Good Works!

Join us for an Edmonton Oilers home game versus the St.Louis Blues at Rogers Place!  CAGP has secured a block of group tickets in the lower bowl of the arena where you will experience the excitement of hockey with Oiler fans.  Doors open at 7:00pm, and the puck drops at 8:00pm.  This is an experience you won’t want to miss!  Rogers Place is a short walk from the Westin Edmonton hotel.

Rogers Place
10220 104 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB, T5J 0H6


Oilers Home Game Event Guide:

Includes: lower bowl ticket to Edmonton Oilers game on Apr 9


If you wish to be added to the waitlist, please contact Dawn Airey, Conference Assistant at

Sponsor: Blakely

Edmonton Oilers Hockey Game


Wednesday April 9, 6:30p.m.

Dine Around

Meet up with friends and colleagues, or make new connections and enjoy one of Edmonton’s fabulous restaurants. (Delegates pay for their own meal at the restaurant.)

Wednesday April 9th,

Reception and Banquet

Thursday April 10, 6:00–10:30 p.m.

Join us in the foyer area for socializing and drinks, followed by a lovely banquet dinner and the presentation of the Friend of CAGP award (award sponsored by CI Assante). The night will wrap up with fun dessert reception and entertainment.

Banquet Sponsor:

Banquet Reception Sponsor:

Edmonton River Valley Askiy-Geo Discovery Tour

Embark on a journey into Edmonton’s past as you hike to historic and sacred sites within North America’s largest urban green space, the Edmonton River Valley. Walk in the footsteps of Indigenous Peoples who continue to visit this sacred gathering place on Turtle Island for the last 10,000 years. Honour the local First Nations, Métis, and early European ancestors of amiskwacîwâskahikan (Translation: Beaver Hills House – Nehiyawak (Cree) traditional territorial name for Edmonton) by giving tobacco protocol and participating in a smudge ceremony. Discover the extensive history of our region’s fur trade, stretching across 112 years from 1795 to 1907.

About Keith (your guide):

Keith Diakiw is a proud Métis and long-time student of both science and history. He’s been collecting rocks and fossils since he was a young boy and today has translated that love of geology into a career as a professional geologist. Besides studying the fascinating formations of the natural world, Keith has a background in anthropology and archaeology and loves to share his on-going knowledge about Alberta’s history and historic artifacts.

Featured in the September Issue of enRoute (Air Canada’s in-flight magazine). Page 40-42: The September 2024 Issue — Air Canada enRoute

Note: this is a two-hour walking tour on a hiking trail, participants will be required to walk for the duration of the tour.

Price: $40 per person (plus taxes) – 30 spots available

Includes: Private Guided Tour, and round-trip bus transportation from hotel to start of tour

Deadline to book: March 1, 2024

Talking Rocks Walking Tour

Friday April 11, 2:30–5:00 p.m.